Why Choose ICCC-USA?
Calling & Alignment Individually & Globally
Your walk in the Kingdom begins with your salvation, but from there you are invited to pick-up your cross and move into your Kingdom calling and purpose. This involves you individually, but also others in the body of Christ you will serve with. This is your destiny and if you are willing you can join with others seeking to fulfill what God has called them to in the marketplace.
Global Prayer & Intercession
The Lord speaks to His people and therefore He has given us authority to pray into the lives of working professionals and businesses. Plus he has invited us into what He is doing globally in this hour.
Experienced Global Mentors
We are building a framework of Kingdom minded people throughout the nation to enable global connections for His proposes.

Mentoring Christians for Kingdom Impact
At ICCC USA, we are committed to empowering Christians to make a meaningful impact in their professional and personal spheres. Our focus is on facilitating a deeper understanding of faith, hope, and love, and fostering a spirit of freedom in the workplace and beyond that is led by the Spirit.

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
Being a member of ICCC-USA has been a blessing. The networking opportunities and support from fellow members have helped me grow professionally and spiritually.

Blessed Community
Inspiring Network
I am grateful for the educational classes offered by I3C-USA. The teachings are enriching and have deepened my understanding of business ethics from a Christian perspective.

Professional Growth
Spiritual Enrichment
Supporting I3C-USA through donations has been a fulfilling experience. Knowing that my contributions are used to further the Kingdom's work in the business world is rewarding.

Educational Classes
Kingdom Impact